Upstate House

Monday, February 06, 2006

Stopping Allergies at Their Source

Nothing has gotten more attention in recent years than the emergence of mold and mildew as major -- and costly -- problems in schools, offices and homes. Like most of their fungal relatives, these unwanted guests must have favorable conditions to thrive, among them moisture and a food source. Needless to say our humid southern climate provides a hospitable start. But, we don't have to put out the welcome mat.

As the costs of treating "sick" homes and offices grows along with the plethora of lawsuits against builders, it is imperative that new construction minimize the potential for mold and mildew growth. In Upstate House we've taken a number of steps to ensure that we haven't invited these unwelcome pests.

First, by semi-conditioning the basement and attic, we've eliminated major potential problem areas. Next, the super tight spary-in foam insulation further provides a tight envelop by limiting unwanted air/moisture infiltration.

In our case, because allergies have long been a personal problem, we took additional steps. We've gone with solid floors throughout and thus eliminated carpet -- another major allergy factory. And, we sprayed the most likely spots (under sinks and in bathrooms) with a non-toxic product guaranteed to retard growth of mold and mildew. That product, FortiCel, was applied by Building Environmental Solutions, Inc. --

So, we've limited many of the factors that would lead to problems. Yet, if you've ever had a leak through the roof or a small flood from a busted pipe, you know that your drywall, once wet, often sprouts a chronic crop of mold or mildew. The only option is to rip out the affected areas and replace them with fresh board. This can be very disruptive and costly. Enter, GP's DensArmor Plus. DensArmor is a totally new generation of drywall that replaces the paper face of the wallboard (the food source that supports growth of mold or mildew) with a glass mat that provides superior mold/mildew resistance --

Since mold and mildew can grow on just about any material, and under a wide range of conditions, it isn't possible to totally eliminate it. However, we think that by semi-conditioning the basement and attic, by going with DensArmor wallboard and by judiciously applying FortiCel in other high-risk areas, we've taken adequate precautions to ensure that our new house will indeed be a healthy home.